Biomed 01 | One-stop-shop
This project focuses on aligning the value chain for biomedical production by addressing three main requirements: the creation of produceable and integrable biomedical building blocks, the development of suitable production machines, and the establishment of appropriate common production processes. Additionally, it is necessary to standardize and qualify these processes according to the latest guidelines from regulatory bodies.
In Biomedical Production Technology, the necessary common machines and processes have been identified and are being brought together in an ecosystem known as the One-Stop-Shop. This is a term for the 'counter' behind which the chain is aligned: end-users thus have access to all multidisciplinary knowledge and aligned technology in one (virtual) place.
The vision of the One-Stop-Shop is to organize generic themes within the Biomed projects, such as ecosystem, generic equipment and infrastructure, standardization, and qualification of biomedical innovations developed within the projects.
This central hub will expedite the market entry of the developed biomed products, fostering knowledge generation and the development of a reliable production pipeline within the Netherlands and beyond.
The One-Stop-Shop aims to create a dynamic ecosystem that brings together developers, suppliers, and end-users of biomedical innovations, enabling the seamless introduction and fabrication of cutting-edge biomedical products to the market. Regulatory compliance is promoted through the establishment and application of dedicated standardization and qualification frameworks.
This ecosystem ensures an organized innovation pipeline by utilizing both existing and newly established specialized facilities, enabling the continuous and scalable production of biomedical products and devices.
To accomplish our mission of creating an innovation pipeline for manufacturing biomedical products, the One-Stop-Shop is organized into five distinct topics:
In/external connections, value proposition, dissemination, communication
The goal for Biomed is to collaboratively build sustainable connections and foster synergetic partnerships that bridge gaps in product development, accelerating progress toward successful market entry and sustainable growth. To build a Biomed ecosystem, we are fostering both internal and external connections. Companies are encouraged to generate a clear value proposition, enabling them to grow into control points within the value chain. Additionally, we organize the dissemination of knowledge and communicate results effectively.
Development of (inter)national standards
The process of standardization of biomedical innovations is supported by NEN, the Royal Netherlands Standardisation Institute. NEN brings together Dutch experts, such as scientists, biologists, engineers, policy makers, manufacturers, and suppliers, and connects them at the centre of the internationally organised market. Given the new and innovative field, there will be many opportunities for standards development in the coming years. In recently launched initiatives, Dutch experts together with NEN are playing a leading role in the development of standards for Organ-on-Chip and Artificial Organs.
Qualification & Regulation
Setting up a qualification framework to ensure regulatory acceptance
Before biomedical innovations can enter the market, they must be qualified to facilitate their regulatory acceptance. The One-Stop-Shop is dedicated to developing practical and innovative qualification approaches. By establishing a robust framework and methodology, we aim to ensure the reliability and broader use of these products for various scientific and regulatory purposes. Our activities involves:
Collaborative Expertise: Bringing together international regulatory experts, end-users, and researchers to fine-tune strategies and action plans.
Comprehensive Analysis: Reviewing and analyzing existing qualification methods and their applicability to new biomedical products.
Methodology Development: Creating a framework to test and qualify biomedical products, including criteria for equipment and infrastructure.
Validation and Implementation: Validating the qualification framework through pilot experiments and supporting its broader implementation.
By fostering collaboration and innovation, we aim to set new standards for biomedical product qualification, ensuring their readiness for diverse applications.
Transitioning Away from Animal Testing:
In many biomedical research projects, animal testing remains a common practice. This approach has historically been essential for understanding complex biological systems and developing new treatments. However, there is a growing recognition of the ethical and scientific limitations of animal testing. The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) is at the forefront of guiding the transition towards New Approach Methodologies (NAMs). These innovative methods aim to reduce, refine, and ultimately replace animal testing by leveraging advanced technologies and scientific techniques. To learn more about the landscape of NAMs and how they are shaping the future of biomedical research, please visit this link.
Generic Equipment
Production process blueprint
We will facilitate the use of generic equipment for the production and qualification of biomedical innovations. Based on the developed equipment, we are investing in private equipment developers to automate these tools and processes.
Building the manufacturing pipeline
Because the production technology is still in its infancy, it is not yet clear how the many competencies within the consortium fit together. This includes questions such as: What does it take to integrate a functionalized biosensor into a microfluidic chip?
To facilitate the partners in the biomedical ecosystem, equipment is made available for the production and characterization of initial prototypes. Companies and research institutes can carry out key steps in developing and characterizing their products, including manufacturing of components and early prototypes, all while collaborating with partners on-site in an open facility. To support the manufacturing of our biomedical products, a virtual production line will be used. In this setup, all suppliers produce components in their own environments, and the products are assembled later.
For more information on the facilities please follow this link.
For more information regarding this project, please contact Sabine Middendorp, Project Leader, One-Stop-Shop, at